Welcome to
The Intuitive Co

Where you can answer to the call from within and come home to who you’ve always been

Hello Sister!

I’m so honored you’re here. I’ve created this place as an invitation for all women to come home to their wombs. The unharnessed power we all yield deserves to be seen, felt and celebrated. We do this together through circle, celebration and release; holding, witnessing and rewriting stories all in the name of expansion and embodiment. Everything you’ve ever needed to live your Truest life is already within. Join us in this expansion and reclaim what’s yours.

If you can dream it, you can do it.
— W. Disney

Hey Love,

I’m Rachel and I’m so glad you’re here! I’m your typical mom whose homebirth experience changed my life and it set me on my Maiden to Mother journey. From the moment I took radical responsibility for my birth and any outcome, I realized the transformation I was about to undertake would be the greatest of my life. I also realized that having a baby did not guarantee this full transformation to embodied and whole Mother. This is my mission; to guide women home to their power and true self. I’m devoted to helping women like YOU return to your womb and intuition in order to create the life of your dreams.

The ability to know something without proof

Your sixth sense

The feeling in your bones

Innate knowledge


Let’s connect